
What is Emax?

Emax Veneer: Emax veneers are manufactured from lithium disilicate ceramic. This material is one of the best dental coating materials on the market. Emax veneer shows similar properties to natural teeth and has a translucent appearance. It does not contain any metal and even in case of gum recession, no metal part is exposed. It can also be finely worked and is customised to each tooth.
Emax Laminate: Emax laminates are thin ceramic veneers used for aesthetic purposes. They provide a natural appearance by adhering to the front surface of the teeth. Emax laminate is preferred to correct the colour, shape and size of the teeth.
Differences Between Emax and Zirconium
Material: Emax is made of lithium disilicate ceramic, while zirconium is made of zirconium element. Both are metal-free, but Emax is all glass ceramic.
Aesthetic Capacity: Emax is aesthetically superior to zirconium. Its translucent structure harmonises with natural teeth.
Durability: Emax is durable and shows similar characteristics to natural teeth. Zirconium is also very durable, but Emax can be worked thinner.
Area of Use: While zirconium veneers are generally preferred in bridge areas, Emax is mostly used in front teeth.
Emax and zirconium each have unique properties for different situations, and it is decided which material is more suitable as a result of the dentist examination. Every patient’s needs are different, so it is important to consult a specialist dentist.

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